Carmen Ostrander - Art Therapist

Creative industries, science and service have been enduring influences through out my life. A passionate advocate for the arts, psychotherapist, artist, lover of food and finer things.
I'm easily inspired and equipped to facilitate inspiration in others.
Australian born and bred with a degree in Psychology and extensive training and experience across multiple art forms, I have recently consolidated this expereinece with additional specialised training in Transpersonal Art Therapy. My therapeutic leanings are Jungian and Rogerian. My artistic leanings tend to revolve around the manipulation of things and people in space, which I have primarily (but not exclusively) explored through a long career in theatre making.
I believe all creative processes are inherently therapeutic, and an essential part of what it means to be human. Expression and wellbeing are inextricably linked in my experience.
New to Canada I've been truly awed and inspired by the landscape, and I look forward to exlporing it with you.